To whom it should concern

by Emily Saunders

Through our work at Republic, we’re intimately familiar with the looming catastrophe which is irreversible climate change. More specifically, we’re deeply concerned about the way it’s going to harm everyday Australians.

We know our elected leaders are well aware of how the situation is predicted to play out – but they’re not taking action. So we wrote this letter as part of Canva’s #ToWhomItShouldConcern campaign, urging the Prime Minister to make some big decisions. And with urgency.

Unfortunately the boat has already sailed on a gradual transition to low-carbon, but we know his government has the power and influence to make a rapid one happen – and safeguard our collective future. Do it for Australia.

Submissions close end of day, so there’s still time to submit your own letter, too – feel free to use the content of ours as a template, and upload it into Canva’s letterhead at

Yours in concern and hope,

The team at Republic of Everyone